Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Policy
Grover M. Hermann Library offers interlibrary loan services to UC faculty, students, and staff. Materials not available through the Library’s holdings and databases may be requested through ILL. Faculty, students, and staff seeking interlibrary loan materials may request them online by accessing the forms located on the Library's webpage under the Services section. Additionally, faculty, staff and students who reside outside Whitley County, KY can request circulating materials held at the Library to be sent to them using the ILL request forms.
The Library Director coordinates timely delivery of interlibrary loan materials requested by faculty, students, and staff. Delivery of books may be self-service pickup or mail delivery to the requestor’s home address provided the requestor resides outside of Whitley County. All journal articles are sent as a PDF document to all faculty, students, and staff.
If an ILL item is lost or damaged, the lending library will be contacted to determine the replacement fee. All replacement fees charged by the lending library, plus a $15.00 processing and service fee, will charged to the student’s account in the UC Bursar’s Office.